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Published: at 10:00 PM

Benvinguts, benvingudes!

This blog has no goals nor commitments. Just one idea: sharing. Here you will find a list of articles I have read recently and shared because I considered them interesting.

To sum up, consider this blog as my personal digital notebook. You’ll find: articles, videos, snippets of code, updates, and any intriguing or inspiring piece of info that catches my attention. Think of it as a curated collection of valuable resources I keep handy.

This idea comes from multiple sources of inspiration:

Let’s get started! 🥳


Html is forgiving by default

Let’s start with some history. Recently, I read several tweets asking for the HTML and CSS to throw an error when developers make mistakes. It makes sense. But there is nothing new about it; there has already been much discussion about it before, such as why browsers are so lenient. If you want to know more, you can even read the emails discussing the issue at length

Classless CSS frameworks?

While developing this blog, I was lazy to style each text element individually. At @nuria_codes Twitter, I discovered these Classless CSS frameworks which give basic styles to begin developing

The power of custom properties

Speaking of styling, I believe one of the most powerful features developed by CSS in recent years is custom properties. Surprisingly, we haven’t yet explored all their possibilities. This week, I found out how amazing they could be after reading this article on how to list all the custom properties used in a page using JavaScript.

Test Safari on Linux

Suppose you must suffer users who still use Safari and need to test your website on that browser without owning a Mac. Expensive options like BrowserStack, less effective or illegal . Good news, WebKit develops another browser called Epiphany compatible with Linux, allowing testing websites similarly to Safari.

Accessibility barriers in design world

Thinking of OS X, accessibility comes to mind. When speaking of accessibility, often people refer to those living with disabilities, but we should also to consider individuals with limited economic resources. In this post, Natacha Menjibar reflects upon whether we exclude designers who cannot afford specific software and hardware from our industry

Take Action

MadridForRefugees, the association I participated in, training refugees and asylum seekers as frontend developers and helping them secure employment and integrate into society, created an image and brand identity for our coding bootcamp. Learn more about the project here


The last book I finished and enjoyed is “Soy vertical, pero me gustaría ser horizontal” de Sylvia Plath. A collection of poems by the poet and novelist dealing with despair and obsession over life and death. Caution advised: its content may affect sensitive readers due to themes surrounding suicide.


On the 20th anniversary of her murder, Podium Podcast released an audio documentary titled “Lo conocí en un corpus”. It explores Spanish activist Ana Orantes life and the social context two decades ago. Even if you barely remember Ana Orantes from her famous TV confession, learning about her story might interest you.

That’s all for now! See you soon for more updates.